12 February 2024


Expertise G Fund - Alpha Fixed Income A range of defensive​​​​​​​

Hadrien Janin
Hadrien Janin, Spécialiste produits taux et monétaire

The multiplication of sources of tension in 2024

Volatility is currently at historic lows. However, we see several risks that could lead to spikes in volatility this coming year.

  • There are a number of ways in which investors can protect themselves against uncertainty: remaining invested in money market instruments, setting up temporary hedges, or investing in funds that do not make directional bets.
  • Non-directional does not mean no performance.
  • LGAFI's range of non-directional absolute return funds aims to deliver performance while generating alpha by exploiting market inefficiencies.
  • The spikes in volatility that we expect to see this year are sources of opportunities that we will be trying to capture through our arbitrage strategies.

Multiplication des sources de tension en 2024

The emergence and identification of inefficiencies 

Each type of risk leads to market conditions that might be favourable to the emergence of specific, sometimes predictable, inefficiencies, making it possible to implement arbitrage strategies at the right time. As an example, we can identify opportunities related to these types of risk.

Emergence et identification des inefficiences

1 Swap: exchange of flows at a given horizon.
2 CDS: Credit Default Swap – Credit risk hedging product.
3 Negative base: Purchase of a bond and its CDS with interest-rate risk hedging

Example of a negative base strategy implemented on Air France

Stratégue de base négative réalisée sur Air France

Example of an arbitrage strategy between US and European inflation rates

Stratégie d'arbitrage entre taux d'inflation américain et européen

Performance and volatility of GAFI and GAFI Plus

Net annual performances

Chart of the return of G Fund - Alpha Fixed Income Plus (IC share) since its inception (12/2022)

Chart of the return of GAFI+

Source : Groupama AM

Past performance does not predict future returns and may vary over time. Performances shown relate to the IC share, which is reserved for institutional investors.

Document written on 08/02/2024.

Main risks
Capital risk, Interest rate risk, Credit risk, Liquidity risk, Risk linked to investments in derivative products.
Please refer to the prospectus for a complete list of risks.


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